Equine Endoscopy & Gastroscopy
A minimally invasive imaging technique.
An Endoscope is a specialized camera that allows us to visualize the upper airway, throat, esophagus and stomach of your equine athlete. Some procedures can be performed on the farm, while others necessitate a visit to our clinic.
Digital endoscopy allows us to record our exam for the benefit of the owner as well as the ability to collaborate with colleagues.
An Endoscope of the upper airway is important to diagnose:
- Source of Hemorrhage
- Respiratory Strider or roaring during exercise
- Guttural pouch disease
- Culture of respiratory pathogens
A Gastroscopy is important to diagnose:
- Esophageal and Stomach Ulcers
Call us at (940) 668-8282 to learn more about our endoscopy services.